Monday, April 28, 2008

I'm Bad.....

I'm always, off on a different subject, and today is no different. I find myself in situations, that I don't like, and then I look around and see that I'm not any different that everyone else. Everyone has something they are living with, that they don't like. There's never a perfect life or world to relish. There's always something, someone to give you grief. Some people would say, I just like to gripe. Actually, the word bitch, is more to the word they would use for me. I don't let too much slide and yeah, I do my share of griping. There's always, something I can find to gripe about, never a day goes by, that I don't gripe. So, what does that mean? It means there's never anything that I'm happy I've been told that by many people. I'm sure their right, because, I can see what they are saying, to be fact. Patience is not one of my good points, so that makes it even worse. There's just too much world to see, too much to experience, and to do with so little time left to do them. I guess I want more than I've

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