Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Mother's Day?

I guess if you really have to push this day on us, then we'll take it. I don't think it makes a mother any more or any less, of one. I think it"s just another day to push sales on products, so the companies, can make more money. I remember going to church on sunday, on Mother's Day and all the hoop-la, they put on about it, to honor the mother's. Each mother was given a rose corsage at the door, to wear. If your mom, was alive then it was a red rose, dead, a white rose and the one who had the most children at church, was given a pink corsage. Now my grandmother, got it most every year. So, for several years, she was able to wear the red rose, cause my great-grandma, was still alive, until 1961. Almost made it to 100 years old. My grandmother, usually had the most kids attend the service, so she got the pink corsage too. Me I was just sitting there wondering, when it would all be over, so I could leave and go home and eat the food, we would fix for Mother's Day. Anyway, my kids were bouncing off the walls.
These days, things aren't quite as extreme, and I sure am glad. Of course, I'm not sitting in the church pew, like I did back then. Traditions, have a way of changing down through the years.
There are mothers out there who don't get the slightest acknowledgements, when mother's day arrives. It's like the kids are too caught up in their own lives and world's to remember mom. They brush us aside, with the ideas that "we will understand". We have to, cause if we don't we are cruising for a crushing blow to our egos. Don't dare be around a sadist, like my last husband who enjoyed, telling you how your kids, didn't give a damned about you and they weren't going to call you or come see you. In other words "Ha...Ha". He was so mean..........too bad he's dead!
Yes, mother's day, is ok but it doesn't have to carry so much weight, just a call or a note is fine...........don't you think?

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