Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Life's Experiences

Life is moving so fast and as I watch the daily involvements I am around it gets very sad.  I watched a woman yesterday who was crying her eyes out from rejection of her only son.  I have found this situation in my life before and know the hurt that she is experiencing.  How life has evolved into this form of hatefulness is a regretful thing, which can't be reconstructed with this world we are living in.  Unhappy insecure people, push their bitterness on others in a form of venting. I wonder if they even realize the place where they should actually be placing their unhappiness?  I hope that I was able to listen to her, and help in some small way, because when it came to being able to help her with a place to crash, I couldn't allow my home to be included.  It would have been an invasion on my privacy that I'm not ready to keep allowing later on.  Once you allow someone to come to your home to crash, then they will ask again and again every time they have a problem.  I'm not into handling people with drinking and drama problems.  So, I stay away from them as often as possible.