Sunday, May 11, 2008

A Prayer Blog

I found what I wanted to check into, but as unable to get the English Version and this blog was in another language. So, either way, I'm supposed to write about God, or the Holy Spirit or write a prayer.
The website A Prayer Blog would be a great one to start in the English language, and so I will write about my experience:

I've found that through the perils of life, one tends to get into places that are so, rough they have no where to go. They know that there is a God, that loves, them but they can't turn loose the problem and let God take care of it.
During these times, in my life I've noticed that when I'm trusting in him, he will let me wait on him until it gets down to the last day, hour, and minute before disaster is to strike. Testing me to see, if I will give in and not wait on him.
You know he never let's me down, he always comes through........
every time.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

God will always help you and he will be with you.