Saturday, May 30, 2009

Use Eye Creams?

It seems I wake up in a new world every morning. Some mornings are worse than others and all I need to do is look in the mirror to see the damage. My eyes have always had dark circles around them and many times I would be looked at as an abused wife. One small child even told her mother, there was the witch. That hurt!
Not so, it was that my eyes show how bad I had it the night before, whether I went out or was not feeling well. I often tried different eye creams to try an minimize the darkness, but they didn't seem to do any good. I gave up because the eye creams, were expensive, for such a small amount. If you could see my eyes, you would know that they need quite a bit of help.
I read today that there is a website, you can go to, to see the different reviews on several eye creams. I wonder if they will give a review on some of the one's that I have tried. Each time I try a new one, it is with hope that this one will do the job. I rub my eye's alot and many optical places will warn you that this is the wrong thing to do. But if my eye's are itching or dry feeling, then it's my nature to rub them. I hope that I can find an eye cream at this site that will be what my eye's need to help with these dark circles.