Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Loosing A Family Member........

It's a very hard thing to loose a family member, whether it be through death, divorce or other circumstances. Our family recently lost an ex-family member, who we still had great ties with. He still visited us and we were very cordial to his new roommate, but of course things always change.
Before we knew it, he became ill and was gone from this life in the matter of 4 months. Cancer, has a way to doing those things. It has affected me, more than I expected it to, and I've been thinking about him, often on a daily basis. I'm sure that with time, memories and feelings will ease but he was in his early 40's and that's just too soon, to have to go. I can't question God's ways, and know there was a reason, for this to happen. Yet, it would have been nice to have had him around longer. We will all miss him..........