the party...(9)
Uncle John and Jacob..........
Ashley(Mom) and Paula(Aunt)........
Donica holding cousin, Nicky.........Desiree's baby...
Bill(Dad) with step-sister of the grandkids..........
Rosie and James the other grandparents..........
They got more presents than I figured........
James, Bill, Ashley and Desiree, watching the kids open presents....
Jacob(7) and Donica(9), opening presents....
James and Rosie..........watching.......this guy up front was around last time, but I don't remember who he is.........
Then candles are almost lit......(Jacob's head)
Getting ready to blow out the candles.......
Donica Breaking open the pinata
They are picking up candy from the two pinatas that they broke open
She was wondering why I was calling her name.......
This is as we were leaving, I don't know who the boy is.....but he must be a friend..........