Thursday, October 21, 2010

The Last One....

It was a day, that changed a few things in my life. Mainly, I was older and didn't think about having anymore children, but then I had just married another man and he was all up in the subject.
I guess at his age, he just wanted to know he "still could". Well, I had to really talk to myself about this one and ask myself if I wanted to go back into the mess of having and taking care of a "baby"!
Heck no, I thought to myself...........there's the getting up every few hours the first month or so, "Diapers", bottles or breast feeding, getting thrown up on, the crying.........oh heck no! I knew that was just half of it and I wasn't ready to do it all over again, since there had already been four times I had done this thing and finally I was out of it.........and free ! At 33 years old, it's time to let it go and enjoy the rest of your life, or so I thought.
That's not what happened............he finally talked me into it and against my better judgment, I agreed and stopped taking birth control pills. Hoping against hope that it wouldn't happen.........but knowing that I was too fertile and I was just batting a 1000 on hopes.
Sure enough 2 years into the marriage, it happened and I was telling myself...........self, it's too late, can't turn, get ready, because the time has arrived.
I went through all the necessary steps, and trips to the clinic, and was doing well. About eight months later, little pin like pains, started being an aggravation almost everyday, for about a week. So, I got tired of them and took some laxative.............well, she arrived about 4:49pm on a cold rain mixed with sleet, day in February.........all 5lbs. & 4ozs. of her. Of course this made her a "premie", and they put her in the neo-natal unit, to watch...just in case...........
Since I was having my tubes tied the next day, I only got to see her when she was born........and it was the third day, before she knew she had a mom. The nurses joked that they knew she had a "dad", but was beginning to wonder where the Mom was.
We brought her home on the 4th day of her life, and you could have carried her in your hands, she seemed so little. Almost the size of a good baking hen.
Some how, some way..........we made it.........and she's all grown up now....the picture above is her with her spouse....She'll be 32 years old in you know how old that makes me.........!