Monday, April 28, 2008
I'm Bad.....
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Friday, April 25, 2008
Sunday, April 20, 2008
World Wide Link Love
~ start copying here ~
Join the Worldwide Link Love! Benefits of Worldwide Link Love!
1. Make new friends around the world.
2. Feel the Link Love.
3. Gain new readers and subscribers.
1. Copy from ~start copying here ~ to ~ end copying here ~ and paste it on your blog.
2. At the end of the list, put your name and the country your in, it doesn’t matter what’s your nationality just put the country where you are publishing your blog. Don’t forget to put links at your name.
3. If u have many blogs, you can link all of it, just make sure you post the same on each blog.
4. Tag eight (8) or more of your blog friends.
5. Tip for blogspot users: make sure you copy and paste the code in Compose mode.
Wanna join, and you can’t find your name on the list? Just leave a comment here.
Worldwide Link Love! Participants:
1. Julia (Philippines)
2. Catherine (Malaysia)
3. shimumsy(u.s.a)
4. Mitch (Philippines)
5. Hailey (Philippines)
6. Sexymom (USA)
7. Liza (Philippines)
8. Ness (USA)
9. Lira (USA)
10. Avee, AveeAndy, Airsick - (USA)
11. Nita (USA)
12. Nita (USA)
13. Nita (USA)
The Pond
Mountain Dew Knight
Beth & Cory's Mom
Beautiful Mess
Personal Tapestry (Heart of Rachel)
My Life as Mama Jodi
The Ridiculously Mundane
Juuust a Bit Outside
Pandora's Casket
Abc's of Fine Design
What A Load Of Bullshit
The Kat House
Texas RV Travel blog
Everything and Anything
Celebrating life
Neptunebaby Dot Com
India Through The Eyes Of An Indian
Is 8 Enough
Table for Five
Before I am Famous
Web Site SB Small Business Web Site Design
ur link here
~ end copying here ~
I'm passing this award to the ff: Juliana, Lotis, Ric, RJ, Rosemarie1 and Sassy
Posted by Avee on Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Saturday, April 19, 2008
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Barney & Jessica
Monday, April 14, 2008
Social Security Changes
To the email below I received this note from:
On behalf of President Bush, thank you for your correspondence.
We appreciate hearing your views and welcome your suggestions.
Due to the large volume of e-mail received, the White House
cannot respond to every message. Thank you again for
taking the time to write.
Social Security Changes
It does not matter if you personally like or dislike Bush. You need to sign
this petition and flood his e-mail box with e-mails that tell him that, even
if the House passes this bill, he needs to veto it.
It is already impossible to live on Social Security alone. If the government
gives benefits to 'illegal' aliens who have never contributed, where does
that leave those of us who have paid into Social Security all our working
As stated below, the Senate voted this week to allow 'illegal' aliens access
to Social Security benefits. Attached is an opportunity to sign a petition
that requires citizenship for eligibility to that social service.
Instructions are below. If you don't forward the petition and just stop it,
we will lose a ll these names. If you do not want to sign it, please just
forward it to everyone y ou know.
Thank you! To add your name, click on 'forward'. Address it to all of your
email correspondents, add your name to the list and send it on.
When the petition hits 1,000, send it to
Instructions are below. Add number and your name at bottom.
PETITION for President Bush :
Dear Mr. President: We, the undersigned, protest the bill that the Senate
voted on recently which would allow illegal aliens to access our Social
Security. We demand that you and all Congressional representatives require
citizenship as a prerequisite for social services in the United States .
We further demand tha t there not be any amnesty given to illegals, NO free
services, no funding, no payments to and for illegal immigrants. We are fed
up with the lack of action about this matter and are tired of paying for
services to illegals.
1. Mary Takami , Calif.
2. Connie Dodd. Calif.
3. Frank Beirau , Calif.
4. Barbara Mur ray , Calif.
5. Dody Farha , Okla.
6, Woody Farho, Okla
7. Donna Capatosto , CA
8. Larry Capatosto , CA
9. Ryan Capatosto , CA
10. Samantha Capatost o, CA
11. Nancy Brown, Torrance , CA
12. Daniel Brown, Torrance , CA
13. Tamara Clark, Torrance , CA
14. Darrin Clark, Torrance , CA
15. J . L. Thome, Torrance , CA
16. J. E. Thome, Torrance , CA
17. Phillip Cook, Manhattan Beach , CA
18. Howar d Thrall, Rancho Palos Verdes , CA
19. Jim Lehman The Dalles , OR
21. Ed Melone Phoenix AZ
22 Laetitia Borden Phoenix AZ
23 bob Reid, mesa AZ
24 Jan! et R eid, mesa AZ
25 kaley Reid, mesa AZ
26 Ant onio R eid, mesa AZ
27 Spike Graham, Paradise Valley , AZ
28. Wendy Graham, Paradise Valley , AZ
29. Joe Johnston, Gilbert AZ
30. Jerry Eppler, Carmel , CA
31. Mary Worth, Presc ott AZ
32 Gary Carville, Los Altos , CA
33. Ron Jeziorski, Santa Clara , CA
34. Jeff Jeziorski, Thousand Oaks , CA
35. Gary Kos, Thousand Oaks
36. Susan Kos, Thousand Oaks
37. Pierre Gerardy, Fillmore , CA
38. Cynthia Nadeau, Van Nuys , CA
39. Sean Nadeau, Van Nuys
40 ; Kyle Nadeau, van N uys
41. William Coburn, ShermanOaks , CA
42. James Harper, ShermanOaks
43. Carver Shannon, Los Angeles
44. Paul Turgeon, Los Angeles
45. Cathy Wainwright, Redondo Beach
46. Thomas Raoch, Redon do Beach , CA
47. Doris Roach, Redondo Beach , CA
48 John Sabel, Redondo Beach , CA
49. Howard Wood, Redndo beach, CA
50 Vincent Wainwright, San Diego , CA
51. David Kauffman, San Dieg o , CA
52. Don ! Jorgenson, Hawthrone , C A
53. Sam Gerardi, Redo ndo Beach , CA
54 . Michele Crowley , PA
55. Richard Crowley , PA
56. Bill Thompson
57. Jan Thompson
58. Brit Lane
59. Therese Blyleven
60. Eugenia Barney
61. Larry Barne
62 Barbara M. Kohl Tonasket , Wa
64.Deveta Papania, Yuma , AZ
65. B. Picciano , AZ
66. A. Picciano , AZ
67. J. La ng, Ar
68. W.lang, Ar.
69. C. Gully, Ca..
70. J. Gully, Ca.
71. C Rusch Ca
72 Chryl Gallagher, Ca
73. Dominic Cerra , CA .
74. Tracy Regan, Vista , CA
75. Yvonne Hamnquist, Vista , CA
76. Mike Hamnquist, Vista , CA
77. Myrrl Hamnquist, Vista , CA
78. Janette McLintock, V ista, CA
79. Robert McLintock, Vista , CA
80. Robert McLintock, Jr., Lincoln , NE
81. Katie McLintock, Linco ln, NE
82. J. Woodburn, Vista , CA
83. M. A. Woodburn, V! i sta , CA
84. C. A. Woodburn, Vista , CA
85 . Gerald A. Boswell, Prescott , AZ
86. Rehab S. Boswell, Prescott , AZ
87 Oliver Taylor, Prescott , AZ
88. Carolyn S. Taylor, Prescott , AZ
89 Thomas A. Reid
90 Shirley L. Reid
91 Susan Whiteley Las Vegas , NV
92 Paul Whit eley Las Vegas , NV
93. Barbara Meyer , CA
94. William Damery
95 & n bsp; Richard Anderson , Pioneer, CA.
96 Debbie Ande rson, Pioneer, CA.
97 GaryDorall, Pioneer, CA
98 Jean Dorall, Pioneer, CA.
99 Janice Anderson CA
100 Orville Anderson CA
101 Charles Scanlon, CA
102 Dolores Scanlon, C A
103 Donald R Burr
104 Darlene Y. Burr
105 Richard W. Bothman
106 Dennis Holmes , CAlifornia
107. Harlan L. Bowe, Sierra Vista , AZ
108 Larry Bonham
109.Merle Forst Oregon
110 Marlena Forst, Calif ornia
111. Gayle Heiser , Oregon
112. Pat Wells, California
113. Jan Wendell , Texas
114. Sharon Schutz , Texas
115. David Schutz , Texas
116. Kitt! y Jones , Texas
117. Carolyn Joynt , Tennessee
118. Paul Brown , MS
119. Connie Brown , MS
120.. Johnny L. Sanders, LA
121. Rebecca T. Sanders, LA
122 John Dukes , La.
123. Lois M. Dukes, La.
124. Terry Wil son , La.
125 Dea n Wilkerson , AR
126. W. Curtis Hicks
127. Gypsy N. Hicks
128. Neil H. Do bbins, AR
129. ReginaM Dobbins, AR
130. Ida L. Kennedy, AR
131. Frank Bonner, Ca
132. DeAndra Boydd , CA
133. Mar cus B oydd, CA
134. Danny Michaels , CA
135. Daniel Meditz , CA
136. Dorothy Gehring , CA
137. Harvey B. Walker, Anaheim ,Ca
138. Linda L. Walker, Anaheim , Ca
13 9. KC Douglas, Anaheim , Ca
140. Brandi L. Walker Anaheim Hills, Ca
141. Zach Bevans, Anaheim Hills, Ca
142. Devin D. Schroeder, Corona , Ca
143. Paul Schroeder, Corona , Ca
144. Nancee Micham, Taneyville , Mo
145. Mike Micham, Taneyville, Ca
146. Helen Sabin, Rancho Palos Verde s, Ca
147. Julie Clarke, San Pedro , CA
148. Nikola Brajevich, Rancho Palos Verdes , Ca
149.Richard B! ulot, San Pedro , CA
150. Joe B.. Cagle, Irvine , CA
151.Ronald A. Cotta, Redondo Beach , CA
152 Carol Waselenchuk , FL
153 Jeanette J. Brooks
154. She ryl L Brooks
155. Kyleen Madsen , FL
156. Rand Madsen , FL
157 David A. Wh itehorn, Fl.
158 Mary Whitehor n, Fl.
158 James H. Peak
159 Janith E. Peak
160 Bill Millholland
161 Barbara Millholland
162 Gerald Powell
163 Linda Powell
165 Dolores Kuhn
166 Roger Parrish & gt;
167 Joanne Parrish
168 Mike Volpe, Florida
169 Betty Volpe, Florida
170 Kyle L. Hartzell, Florida
171 Thom Milnor, Douglasvil le, GA
172 Eileen Milnor, Douglasville , GA
173 Gary Milnor, Douglasville , GA
174 Jackie Francis, Douglasville , GA
175 Lawrence P Pate , Avon Park , Florida
176 Penny Socin, Arlington , Texas
178 Jerry Socin, Arlington , Texas
179 Rader , Belvidere , Illinois
180 Marnie Mowles, Marion , Montana
181 William R. Miller Jr, KANSAS !
182 Linda Miller, KANSAS
183 David Dielman
184 Orland Rosell
185. Amber Brooks
186. Jason Rosell
187.Courtney B rooks, Pen sa cola , Florida
188.. Becky Brooks, Pensacola , Florida
189. Pam Leonard, Can tonment, FL
190. James T.., Pensacola , FL
191. W.Thomas TN
192. H Thomas TN
193. Fort WayneHopper , AL
194. B Clark , A L
195. C. J ordan, Al.
196. R. Knight
197. D. H. Blackwelder , FL
198. K. Dougherty , MD
199. R. Dougherty , MD
200. M Ranalla , ME
201. C. Ranalla , WA
205 Marilyn Monroe
206 William Young Levittown , PA
207 Karren Young Levittown , PA
208 Betty Lefevre
209 Carl D. Hoagland
210 Ma xine Hoagland
211William Jarvis Albany , Ga.
212 E! lizabeth Jarvis Alb any , Ga.
213 Jane Lyons Elwood, In
214 Rachel Lyons Elwood, In
215 Mary McFall Elwood , IN
216 Louis Frederick
217 James Davis & gt;
218 Gary Rogers
219 Rita Rogers
220 Yolonda L. Hiser
221 sonja boozier FL
222 Phyllis Campeau, Clinto n Twp., MI
223 Lowell Gordon, Montpelier , IN
224 Carolyn Gordon, Montpelier , I N
225. Charles D. Gord on
226. Wa yne & Betty Lake Mi
227. Ron Phyllis Zacharias, stanwood michigan
228. Vera Mihaltan Livonia, Mi.
229 David L. Deckard, Murfreesboro . TN
230 Wayne Fought, Elberta , AL
231. Stephen Reno, Trenton , MI
232. Lorraine Reno , Trenton , MI
233. Randine Scheffler
234. Dennis Scheffler
235. Bart Jeannette
236. Tracy Jeannette
237. Brad Pruett
238. Carol Pru ett
2 39. David M. Levely
240. Claretta Hegwood, Clinton Twp., MI
241 NancyZurawski , MI
242 Paulette Adams
243. Charleen Kaltz Michigan
244. Constance M.. Buffa, New Baltimore , ! MI
245. Kathleen M. Allen, Wa rren , MI
246. Betty Delligatta, An aheim , CA
247. Pat Delligatta, Anaheim , CA
248. Diane Motyka, Northfield , OH
249. Pat Bruckner, Mantua , OH
250. Bill Radke, Solon, OH
251. Deanna Radke, Solon, O H < BR>>
252. P eggy Weist Bedford , Oh
253. Thomas Manacapilli Universal Cit y , TX
254. Sharon Manacapilli Universal City , Tx
255. Sarah Manacapilli Universal City , Tx
254. Luke Manacapilli Universal City , Tx
257. Rita Dufala NorthfieldCenter, Oh
258. Naomi Polovich, Coconut Creek , Florida
259. Linda L.Emery, Pigeon Forge, Tennessee
260. Melinda Bindas, Girard , OH
261. Mary Peter sen, Orwell , OH
262. Tracey Myers, Warren , Oh
263.Norma Roudebush, Louisaville , Ohio
264.Barbara Orberson... Clarksville , Indiana
265 Norm Whiteland
266 Barbara Ann Bogue, Marshall , TX
267 Marion Lee Bogue, Marshall , TX
268. San dra A. McCartney, Fort Worth , TX
269. Jack D. McCartney, Fort Worth , TX
270. Elaine Perry Verdin, LaMarque , TX
271.Adam J. Verdin, LaMarque , TX
272. Wade Verdin, Georgetown , TX
273. Carol Ann Verdin, Georgetow n , TX >
274. Brian Verdin, Krum , TX
275. Bonnie Regini, Bayou Vista , TX
276. Ray Regini, Bayou Vista , TX
277. Renee Hitchcock, Texas Cit y , TX
278. John Hitchcock , Texas City , TX
279.. Tiffany Hitchcock, Texas City , TX
280. Rose Mary Smith, La Marque , TX
281. Peggy Smith, La Marque , TX
282. Sue Porter, Commerce, TX
283.. Schelly Porter, Co mmerce, TX
284. Paul Hooper , Missouri City , TX
285. Earl Gremillion, Ruidoso , NM
286. T.F. Hewell, Jr., Katy TX
287. Peggy Hewell, Nixon TX
288. John Hewell, Nixon TX
289..! Shawn Hewell, Nixon , TX
290. Wildajean Hewell, Nixon , TX
291. Damita Cirillo Huffman , Tx
292. Lewis Walker Huffman, Tx
293. Denise Baker, Houston , TX
294. Cody Baker, Houston, T X
295. Roy Brown, Crockett , TX
296. Ruby Brown, Crockett , TX
297. May Ree Ni x, Crockett , TX
2 98 . Rachel Brown, Houston , TX
299. Vern DeSplinter, Houston , TX
300 Kathryn DeSplinter, Houston , TX
301 Lauri DeRouen, Orchard, Texas
30 2. David DeRouen, Orchard, Texas
303.. Deanne Ewing, Orchard, Texas
304. Jeanne Jeff coat, Galena Park , Texas
305. Jerry Coenen, Malibu , CA
306. Gloria Coenen, Malibu , CA
307. Dawne Salopek, Houston , TX
308. Karen I. Miller, Oak Creek , Wi
309. Faith Hall, Crystal Falls , Mi
310 Terri Conde, Troy , TX
311. Willis Brewer, Lexi! ngton TX
312. Walter Johnson , Colorado City , TX .
313. Bobbie Johnson , Colorado City , TX
314. Kerry Sweatt Leakey Tx
315. Monty Shank , Tx
316. Ronny Fite , Tx
317. Lynn Fite , Tx
320. Johnny Wesley , TX
321. Jennie Wesley. TX
322. Kay Howard , Tx
323. garyledger TX
32 4 . Mary Cowan TX
325. Bill Cowan TX
326. Jeff Cowan TX.
327. Mis ty Vaughn TX.
328.Linda Anderson Tyler , Tx
329. Samuel G Anderson Tyler , Tx
330. Deborah Carnes Flint TX
331. Ben Carnes Flint TX
332. Donna Partin Tyler , TX < BR>
333. Joyce Baham , Tx
334. Jim Baham , Tx
335 Ross Pittman Tx
336 Beth Pittma n TX
337 C. Robinson, Louisiana
338. Scott Glover
339. David A Calhoun Sr., Louisiana
340. Marj ie S. Calhoun, Louisiana
341. Gerald Wittenberg , Kansas
342. Maxine Wittenberg , Kansas
343. Lue Asmussen , Kansas
344 Dorothy McCaslin , Kansas
345 Carol Van Sickle , MI
346 Wayne Van Sickle , MI
347 Donna Barnickol, CA
348 Margaret Russell, Cornelius , OR
349 Michelle Case, Hillsboro ,OR
350 Cindy Falter Vancouver , WA
351 Darlene Kieser, Brush Prairie, WA
352 Sa mmie R hyne, Brush Prairie, WA
353 Brett Croft, Brush Prairie, WA
354. John J. & Nancy J.Kotrlik, Vancouver , WA
355. L Ceccoli, Brush Prairie, WA
356. Ken Love BattleGround, WA
357. Julie Love BattleGround, WA
358. Jon Love Vancouver , WA
359. Marc Love Vancouver , WA
360. Larry W. Shaw Reno , NV
361. Charlie Brown, S an Antonio Tex as
362. Roxie Brown, San Antonio , Texas
363. Randall J Lee, Fern Park , FL
364. Marie L Lee, Fern Park , FL
365. Robert E. Nicholl, FL
366. Janice Nicholl , FL
367. scott liberty, FL
368. Janice Rathman, Fl
369. Betty Gill , Ga
370. Betty Hewitt , GA
371. Pat Smith
372. Bobby Hicks, Ga.
373.. Jackie HIcks, Ga.
374. BJ. Hicks II, Ga.
375. Tina Hicks, Ga.
376. Frank J Klima , GA
377. Tammie S Klima, GA
378. Bruce N Klima, GA
379. Richard Benn e tt, Ga.
380. Sharon Bennett , Ga.
381. Mark D. Sammons , Ga.
382. Al Burgamy , Ga.
383. Sheila Burgamy , Ga.
384. David D. Settle, Ga
385. Gary P. Freeman
386. Terry Thompson, Mo
387 Mickie Curt , Mo.
388 Warren Curt , Mo.
389 Sandy Counts, MO
391 Pam Bickelhaupt, SC
394 Rick Wright, IL
395 Marilyn McClure , IN
39 6. Kathy Miller, FL
397. Karen Rothrock
398. Mar tin Rothrock
399 Mike Succio FL
400. Myrtle Succio FL
401 Tonya Succio FL
402 Michael Succio FL
403 Billie Bordwine Fl
404 Larry Dickerson, Fl
405 Bob Register, Fl
406 Stan Phillips , NC
407 Willie Wright - NC
408 Thomas Sledge, NC
409 Etta Glover , NC
410 Kermit Glover, NC
411 Carolyn Garris, NC
412 Stanley Garris, NC
413 Ga il Garris, NC
414 Adrian Garris, NC
415 Sandi Taylor, NC
416 Keith Taylor , NC
417 Annette Markham , NC
418 Marvin Markham , NC
419 Denise Landino, NC
420 Mark Landino, NC
421 William Mele, NC
422 JoAnn Forsythe , OR
423 Robert Benson , OR
424 Sharon Benson , OR
425 Richard Bogle, Or
426 Marcia Hocker, OR
427 Marilyn Layn e, NY
428 David Hutcherson, Ga
429 Lena L. Solomon, NY
430 Mike Boylan, NY
431 Gwe n Johnson , NY
432 Doris Johnson , NY
433 Vernon Symes , NY
434 Jacqueline Hardy NY
435 Joan Moses NY
436 Marl ene Sherman VA
437 Enid Davidowitz, NY &g t;
438 Warren Kolinsky NY
439 Freyda Kol insky NY
440 Max Konigsberg NY
441 Claire Konigsberg NY
442 SharonCernese, NY
443 Stephanie Jacobson, NY
444 VirginiaC. Schroder, NY
445 Pattie Sulliv a n, GA
446 Joanne Pope, AL
447 Kathleen Hunter, AL
448 Sandra Kiser Stuart, FL
449 Harvey Kiser Stuart, FL
450 Carole Murphy, Temecula, Ca
451 Arthur Murphy, Temecula, Ca
452 Cindi Hitt, Simi Valley , CA
453 Anita Chrisman, Simi Valley , CA
454 Diane Kammerich, Simi Valley , CA
455 Judith Heinz, Palmdale , CA
456 Gyula Feher, Littlerock , CA
457 JAMES &nbs p; COLLINS, Simi Valley , Ca
458 Teresa Troutman Simi Valley CA
459 Tina Goodfellow , Moorpark, Ca
460. Marianne Hudis, AZ
653 Richard A. Krieger
654 Phyllis J. Dehring - Ohio
6 55 Roger L. Dehring - Ohio
656 Pat Delcamp
657 Jim Delcamp
6 58 Norma Paugh - Fl.
659 Donald Paugh - Fl.
670 Opal Whitsit, FL.
671 Richard Whit sit, FL.
672 Mary Williams, IN
673 Les Williams, IN
674 John Cox, IN
675 Fred Catel lier
676 Kathy Catellier
677 Jackie Williams
678 Ron Blankenship
679 Melody Blankenship
680 Pamela Fiscus
681 James Fiscus
682 Sylvia Jackson
683 Patty Page
684 Vicki Parker, Indpls, IN
685 Oneita Johnson, Indpls, IN
686 Anita Sherron, Inpls, IN
687 Debbie Ross, Indpls, IN
688. Kenneth B. Allen, Franklin ,IN
689. Delcie M. Allen, Franklin ,IN
690. Phil Ashcraft, Indianapolis , IN
691. Nancy Ashcraft, Indianapolis, IN
692 Bill Ashcraft, Indianapolis, IN
693 Sara Ashcraft, Indianapolis, IN
694 Ron Griffin
695 Edie Griffin
696 Myla Powell Indianapolis. IN
697 Charlie Powell Indianapolis,
698 Dolores A Rice,Indianapolis, IN
699 Barry Chapman, Indianapolis, IN
700 Valerie Neslage , KS
701 Becci Y oung, KS
702 Jackie Barnes, Wichita, Kansas
703 Austin Young
704 Tom Storey AZ
705 Jane Barr AZ
706 James O'Keefe, MI
707 Ben Hemker, FL
708 Mike Byerle, FL
709 Terry Brennan, CA
710 Patti Brennan, CA
711 Don Stephens, TN
712 Hope Stephens.TN
713 Jerry Tomsey Fl
714 Diana Howard - FL
715 Donald Howard - FL
716 Sue Lane, PA
717 Fred Lane, PA
718 Sherry Strang, GA
719 Thomas Strang, GA
720 Walt Borchers, NC
721 Louan Gideon NC
722. Pam Stanley (CA)
723. Louanne Grimes (TX)
724. Elsie Turner (NJ)
725. George Turner (NJ)
726. Vicki Hoffer (SD)
727. AnnMarie Hoffer (SD)
728. Laura Hoffer (SD)
729. Mike Kennedy (ID)
730. Rita Kennedy (ID)
731. Allison Kennedy (ID)
732. Missie Biggs (ID)
733. Jody Murphy (ID)
734. Russell Murphy (ID)
735.. Perla Dias (HI)
736. Wendy Broxson (HI)
737. Shane Batalona (HI)
738. May Mundon (HI)
739. Lloyd Mundon ( HI)
740. Leslie Simao (HI)
741. Derrick Cosier (HI)
742. Shirley Simao (HI)
743 . Janet Matsumoto (HI)
744. Jan Matsunaga (HI)
745. Fran Matsunaga (HI)
746. Cher yl Campbell (HI)
747. Anthony Campbell (HI)
748. Hajime Nagatori (HI)
749. Carl R.Nagatori (HI)
750. Carol Yoneshige (HI)
751. Julia Tsumoto (HI)
752. WallyMinato (HI)
753, Jim Murata (FL)
754. Thomas Cherubini (NJ)
755. Edward A. Andrus (PA)
756. Marilyn Prather, Portland ME
758. ThomasTacosik (OH)
759. Janice R. Briggs, OH
760. Richard E. Briggs, OH
761. Marcia Mason, (OH)
762. CharlesMason, (OH)
763.Margaret Madden, Ann Arbor , MI
764. Sheila Blake, Nashport, OH
766 George Robert Bowie, Northville MI
767 Bryan Cushman, Rockford MI
768 Cory Cushman, Mt. Pleasant MI
769 Renee Andrews, Southgate MI
770 Jody Andrews, Allen Park MI
771 Tina Bro gley, Southgate MI
772 Paula Shotis, Riverview, MI
773 Sherry James, Cape Girardeau, MO
774 Shari McConnell, Cape Girardeau, MO
775 Debra Martin, Jackson MO
776 Jeff Martin Jackson MO
777 Carol McGuire, Cape Girardeau, MO
778 Jerry McGuire, Cape Girardeau, MO
779 Helen Hill, Cape Girardeau, MO
780 Johnny McDaniel, Downsville, La.
781 Brenda McDaniel, Downsville , La.
782 Jonathan McDaniel, Downsville , La.
783 Courtney Stevens, Pearland, TX
784 Catherine Bequette, Houston,
785 Clyde Perrere Houston, Texas
786 Jim E Cook, Spring, TX
787. Jim Brey, Southampton , NJ
788. Hilda Buchicchio, Slidell , La.
789. Jerry Buchicchio, Slidell , La.
790. Charles Gale , Iraq r
800. Carolyn Galardo, Slidell , LA
801. Page L. Glascock, Upperville , VA
802. Courtenay Hansen, VA
803 Peter Quinn
804 Joanna Bushwaller
805 Geo Bushwaller
806 Karen Stull, GA
807 Ron Stull, GA
808 Deborah Hillis
809 Frankie N DeFord, Savannah , Ga
810. Dinah Ri os , GA
811. Barbara Thornton, GA
812. Debbie Horton, GA
813. Jan Nethery, GA
814. D. Riesmeyer, Death Valley , Ca.
815. Phil Dickinson, Death Valley , CA
816 Karen Jorgenson, Sibley , ND
817. Connie Evanger, Walcott , ND
818. Carol Moore, Detroit Lakes , MN
819. W. C. Dunn NY
820. R. L. Dunn NY
821. Myrajane Lombardo
822. Nicholas Lombardo
823. Jody Ritt, Gainesville GA.
824. Nancy Schwartz, Pomona , NY
825. Andrew Schwartz, Pomona , NY
826. P. Edward Coombs, Fryeburg Me
827. Sandra L. Kimball, Fryeburg , ME
828. Steven A. Lemieux, West Harwich , MA
829. Pamela E. Lemieux, West Harwich , MA
830. Brant Lemieux, West Dennis , MA
831. Aubrey Lemieux, West Dennis , MA
832. Art Bender, NY
833. Cathy Bender , NY
834. Tracy Vaughn , NY
835. Bill Vaughn , NY
836. Judi Burrows , NY
837. Dan Burrows, NY
838. Christine McGregor , WA
839. Darrell McGregor , WA
840. Laci McGregor , WA
841. Travis McGregor , WA
842. Sharon Tisler. WA
843. John Tisler Wa
844. David Gallagher
845. Audra Hamilton
846. Brandon Gallagher
847. Sherri Gallagher
848. Holger Jensen
849. Carole Sue Jensen
840. Virginia Papac , WA
841. Pete Papac , WA
842 Cindy Gates, WA.
843 Hannah Haver, IL
844 Carolyn Satterlee, NM
845 Lawrence H. Sinnott NM
846 Joan Hazeltine VT
847 Mark Hazeltine VT
848 David Bean, VT
849 Bonnie Bean, VT
850. Connie Omasta , VT
851 Lisa Bean, VT
852 Mark Kruger, VT
853 Karen Kruger,VT
854 Christopher Kruger,VT
855 Daniel Kruger, VT
856 Jon Kruger Vt
857 Debra Kruger Vt
858 Mary Richer, VT
859 Ron Richer, VT
860 Mac Brown VT
861 Marie Slyer VT
862 Bob LaFlam, Fl.
863 Barb LaFlam, Fl.
864 Randy Reck, FL
865 Carol J Reck, FL
866 Carol Irwin , NY
867 Kathleen Martino, NY
868 Maria Hacker CT
869 Vincent Calicchia, NY
870 Jeffrey Esfeld, WA
871 Richard Haskell, IL
872 Susan Haskell, IL
874 Ronald May, WA
875 J. Patricia May
876 Anita L Wyman
877 Richard B Wyman
878 Howard J Johnson
879 Harvey M. Young, AZ
880 Don Cope, AZ
881 Sandy Cope, AZ
882 R.W.Caton, TX
883 T.C.Caton, TX
884 S. McLauchlin, TX
885. K Porter, TX
886. Ann Hancock , TX
887. Toni Baughman , TX
888. Valerie R Bennett, Alameda , CA
889. Cindy Hamer, Livermore , CA
890. Linda Sweet, Pleasanton , CA
891 Bill Olson North Ogden, UT
892 Tricia Olson North Ogden, UT
893 Rose Marie Evans El Cajon , CA
894 William T. Evans El Cajon , CA
895 Sandy Fisher, Winnsboro , TX
896 Grady Fisher, Winnsboro , TX
897 Patricia Bonner, Dallas Texas
898 Elana McCord DIngler, Athens Texas
899 Hilda Feltman
900 Vanessa Hales
901 Glen Hales
902 Cynthia L Masi
903 Scott M. Masi
904 Kristina R. Masi
905 Susan A Horton
906 Jared Horton
907 Nathel Horton
908 Kim Horender
909 Loren Horender
910 Nancy Wind
911 Ted Wind
912 Dave Champoux
913 Mo Champoux
914 Bill Wardle
915 Marie Wardle
916 Rich Horoky
917 Dan Panella
918 Pete Raynor
919 Carol Raynor
920 Shirley A. Conley
921 Helen Grasso, Woodstown, NJ
922 Sandy Chrzanowski, Ocala, FL
923 Joe Chrzanowski, Ocala, FL
924 Bob Horstmann Woodbine,NJ
925 Anne Horstmann Woodbine, NJ
926 Ed Hughes, PA
927 Marie Hughes, PA
928 David Collier Lansdale, Pa
928 Vickie Glynos, PA
929 Mary Lou Lease, PA
930 Donald Lease, PA
931 Joseph Gehringer, PA
932 Lynore Diane White, FL
933 Roger A. Parker, Fl
934 Rosemary McPherson NJ
935 Gwen Faucett Fl
936 Sharon Sheppard, SC
937 Catherine G. Carroll, VA.
938 Linda Rodgers, AZ
939 Marcus Rodgers, AZ
940 Paula Pinheiro, CA
941 Ed J Pinheiro, AZ
942 Eric Bridge, CA
943 Miste Bridge, CA
944 Pat Ann Black KS
945 Mike Black ,KS
946 Brenda Black, IN
947 Karen Hancock, IN
948 Linda Fillippo, IN
949 Art Remus, IL
950 Kathy Remus, IL
951 Audrey Turner, IL
If you don't forward the petition and just stop it, we will lose all these
If you do not want to sign it, please just forward it to everyone you know.
Thank you! Just think every time that the list hits 1,000 in all the
forwarded e-mails, this petition will be sent not just by a thousand
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Saturday, April 12, 2008
The Swing
How do you like to go up in a swing,
Up in the air so blue?
Oh, I do think it the pleasantest thing
Ever a child can do!
Up in the air and over the wall,
Till I can see so wide,
River and trees and cattle and all
Over the countryside--
Till I look down on the garden green,
Down on the roof so brown--
Up in the air I go flying again,
Up in the air and down!
author: Robert Louis Stevenson
I remember memorizing this poem back in grade
school and couldn't get it out of my head,
so I looked it up and thought I'd print it
for you to read and some of you will remember.
Friday, April 11, 2008
I Have Roses.........
I have roses blooming.........I'm so excited. It won't be long till all of them will be in full bloom........isn't that wonderful? The first two pictures, are the one's that didn't fare too well, with that last rain storm we had. The next roses are thriving and are going to be beautiful. I'm hoping for a great growing season on all my plants.
Thursday, April 10, 2008
What Color Rose are You?
You Are an Orange Rose |
![]() You represent desire and enthusiasm Your vibe: Sexy yet familiar Falling in love with you: happens instantly - it's a fast ride |
Are You Addicted to the Internet?
You Are 58% Addicted to the Internet |
![]() You're somewhat addicted to the internet - but who isn't? You can keep it under check, and you're by no means a hermit. |
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
Monday, April 7, 2008
What Love means to 4-8 year olds....
What Love means to a 4-8 year old . . Slow down for three minutes to read this. It is so worth it. Touching words from the mouth of babes. A group of professional people posed this question to a group of 4 to 8 year-olds,'What does love mean?' The answers they got were broader and deeper than anyone could have imagined See what you think:
When my grandmother got arthritis, she couldn't bend over and paint her toenails anymore. So my grandfather does it for her all the time, even when his hands got arthritis too. That's love.
Rebecca- age 8
When someone loves you, the way they say your name
is different. You just know that your name is safe in their mouth.'
Billy - age 4
Love is when a girl puts on perfume and a boy puts on shaving cologne and they go out and smell each other.
Karl - age 5
Love is when you go out to eat and give somebody
most of your French fries without making them give you any of
Chrissy - age 6
Love is what makes you smile when you're tired.
Terri - age 4
Love is when my mommy makes coffee for my daddy and
she takes a sip before giving it to him, to make sure the taste is OK.
Danny - age 7
Love is when you kiss all the time. Then when you get tired of kissing, you still want to be together and you talk more. My Mommy and Daddy are like that. They look gross when they kiss
Emily - age 8
Love is what's in the room with you at Christmas if you stop opening presents and listen.
Bobby - age 7 (Wow!)
If you want to learn to love better, you should start with a friend who you hate.
Nikka - age 6 (we need a few million more Nikka's on this planet)
Love is when you tell a guy you like his shirt, then he wears it everyday.
Noelle - age 7
Love is like a little old woman and a little old man who are still friends even after they know each other so well.
Tommy - age 6
During my piano recital, I was on a stage and I was scared. I looked at all the people watching me and saw my daddy waving and smiling. He was the only one doing that. I wasn't scared anymore.
Cindy - age 8
My mommy loves me more than anybody You don't see anyone else kissing me to sleep at night.
Clare - age 6
Love is when Mommy gives Daddy the best piece of chicken.
Elaine-age 5
Love is when Mommy sees Daddy smelly and sweaty and till says he is handsomer than Robert Redford.
Chris - age 7
Love is when your puppy licks your face even after you left him alone all day.
Mary Ann - age 4
I know my older sister loves me because she gives me all her old clothes and has to go out and buy new ones.
Lauren - age 4
When you love somebody, your eyelashes go up and down and little stars come out of you. (what an image)
Karen - age 7
Love is when Mommy sees Daddy on the toilet and she doesn't think it's gross.
Mark - age 6
You really shouldn't say 'I love you' unless you mean it. But if you mean it, you should say it a lot. People forget.
Jessica - age 8
And the final one The winner was a four year old child whose next door neighbor was an elderly gentleman who had recently lost his wife. Upon seeing the man cry, the little boy went into the old gentleman's yard, climbed onto his lap, and just sat there. When his Mother asked what he had said to the neighbor, the little boy said, Nothing, I just helped him cry.
When there is nothing left but God, that is when you find out that God is all you need.
Bog Bang Master List
*Start Copy Here*You do not have to be tagged to play along. This game is simple and so are the rules.
1. Copy from *Start Copy Here* through *End Copy Here*
2. Add your site(s) to the list. Just be sure to post at each site you add.
3. Tag or don’t tag, your choice, however, the more tags you create the bigger the list will grow.
4. Let me know your blog’s name and url by leaving me a comment HERE. I will add you to the master list. (If you would like a scroll box code, leave me your email address and I will email it to you.) Scroll Box Example. (I decided not to use the box for the Big Bang for ease of copying.)
5. Come back and copy the master list back to your site, often. This process will allow late-comers to get as much link benefit as the first ones in. Once you are on the master list people who have participated earlier will update their bookmarks and help everyone lower than them out on the list.
800-Real Money Making Blog 801-My Drift 802-WebGeek Journal 803-Poetikat's Parlour of Poetry 804-Catholic Me (I am blessed) 805-The Other Side of Emila 806-I'm Addicted to You..... 807-Everything Kimchi 808-All Keyword on The Net 809-NIZHAMA2 810-clajoira(E-NEWS) 812-Pappeluna 813-Tsimis 814-Sports Haven Racing 815-SEO CONSULTANT INDIA 816-Hello... My Name is Lisa 817-Beauty Banquet 818-My Wanderings 819-Picture Clusters 820-Maiylah’s Snippets 821-peterjanet 822-expressions and thoughts 823-My Sweet Escape 824-MOMEMO 825-Vision, Adventure, Dream, Life 826-Asian Mutt International 827-The Journey 828-Sigh 829-Say Cheese 830-See it. Draw it. Share it. 831-paid-ad-clicks 832-rueManueelbis 833-Filipino in Canada 834-Softwares - The M&M Online 835-Of Colors and Styles 836-Artsy Creatures 837-Gandalf the Green 838-Devils View~ ~Study 839-Simply Tagged 840-A Nice Thought 841-DouDy Sketche 842-Lyric Popular Today 843-Game WareZ 844-DOT BLOGGER 845-Lilyruths "This and that friendly cottage" 846-Life Quest 847-Blogging Resources 848-Being Woman 849-Make Money Online ~ with LadyJava 850-Bulgaria Property 851-Advancing Health, Redefining Freedom 852-My Inspiration Sharing Land 853-aNgRiAniWoRLd Dot Com 854-Nita's Random Thoughts 855-Nita's Corner 856-My Wandering Thoughts 857-Nita's Ramblings 858-Filipino Online Community 859-Island Paradise Of Bohol 860-Famous Lyrics Collections 861-Thomas Digital Services 862-Make Money Online 863-Thomas Recipe Collections 864-Erlinda's Wandering Thoughts 865-Great Finds and Deals 866-Thomas Web Links 867-Thomas Travel Tales 868-PRC Board Exam Results 869-Click Here To Forward 870-Daily Motivation 871-Artscapes 872-Melissa Khalinsky 873-La Scatola Dei Colori 874-seconds thoughT 875-Travel Puerto Princesa City and Palawan 876-KEITH'S REVIEW 877-CJ NICHOLS PHOTOGRAPHY 878-dibujandoarte 879-Felinesophy 880-Save Time Online 881-Techyplus 882-Day Break 883-Day to Day 884-Making sense...(somehow) 885-sherry rambling 886-Paintingart's Weblog 887- INSERT YOURSELF HERE
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*End Copy Here*
My Veggie Garden
The potatoes plants are growing great and it won't be long till new potatoes. I've been showing a lot of pictures about my garden getting tilled, so now I'm going to show some of the veggies, that are growing in it. I know your not interested in veggies, but I am and this is my this is my tomato plant, it's blooming, won't be long till Fried Green Tomatoes........ yum, yum.......
Saturday, April 5, 2008
Do You Believe?
I found something on a website, I just had to it is.....
“Have you believed because you have seen me?
Blessed are those who have not seen and yet believe.”
~Jesus (from John 20:29)
Those were the words of Jesus to Thomas after he didn’t believe that the other disciples had seen Jesus. Thomas told the others that he would only believe that Jesus was alive unless he saw the print of nails in Jesus’ hands and place his finger in the mark of nails and in his side. So when finally Thomas saw Jesus, our Lord said to him, “put your fingers here, and see my hands; and put out your hand, and place it in my side; do not be faithless, but believing. (John 20:27)”
How many times do we have faith (or the lack of it) like Thomas? We always look for the clues, for proof, for assurance. It happens to me, too. Sometimes my faith crumbles just because I don’t have enough faith in Him. There were times before that I doubted the Lord’s faithfulness but in return brought me more anxiety and sleepless nights. However, this is a tested formula for me every time sticky situation happens and everything seems hanging on a haywire — I just ponder on His words, and then slowly weigh things over. I always realize that there’s really nothing to fear and that I should only put my whole trust and faith in Him. I just need to wait and believe because surely, everything will turn alright (even if it seems not).
Here’s a nice poem to keep us believing:
Believe Me
Believe Me - God gave us the wisdom to know
Believe Me - His wisdom is far greater than gold
Believe Me - Our Creator knew us before we were born
Believe Me - By grace we are linked to divinity
Believe Me - His divine beings are there for you and me
Believe Me - There is one Creator in the universe
Believe Me - He is Father of the human race
Believe Me - When the world proclaims and honors his name
Believe Me - The world will be rich with compassion and fame
Believe Me - When our relationship with God is A-1
Believe Me - God told us I take care of my own
Believe Me - I know that I know that I know
Believe Me - Believe me - Believe me
Kids Say the Darnest Things!
Actually, it was back in 1965, (a long time ago) when my second son was 6 weeks old. Back then they had you come in for your 6 weeks exam to find out if your insides, had healed properly and your were free, to have a private time with your husband
Anyway, we were in the doctor's office waiting for our turn. My oldest son(then 2&1/2 yrs.) had zoomed in on a lady, who was breast feeding her baby. He was really checking her out so, worried that he was bothering the lady, I told him to get away from there and not bother the lady. She answered to me "that it was okay, he wasn't bothering her".
Suddenly out of the blue, he asks her, what she's doing? To which I once again scolded him. She smiled at him and told him, she was feeding her baby! Still unsure of what he was seeing, but accepting her answer, he remarked. "My Momma has some of those, but she don't use them".
Well, I couldn't find a hole anywhere.........but she just laughed real loud and gave me that all knowing look! Made it even worse!