Monday, July 14, 2008

It's Been 3 Days

Today is the 3rd day, he's been gone and it's no better than it was the 1st day. I don't know what's going to happen, with us but I know I miss him and it's not getting any better. We go to the same bar to socialize and so we see each other, each day. He leaves soon after I arrive, and I can understand that. He is hurting over the break up, as much as I am.
He's not made much effort to say anything to me, except to ask me to bring something, I'd rather not lift. This gives him a chance to throw a snide remark my way. I react at first with a come back, but he keeps walking, since he did what he came over to do and that was throw "the dig" at me.
It's never easy to break up, but it's one of the horrible tragedies of life and it is no respecter of person's. Getting along with a mate is hard with any couple, some just can't accomplish it. We were so good for each other, but the "little things" were what tore us apart. We both still care for each other deeply and it will be a long hard struggle, to get past this. I need some encouragement here......please!