Saturday, July 12, 2008

Pets For All

Don't you just love that face, how sweet and innocent, it looks......lying there so content. This artist can capture the emotion of every pet in a pet portrait. I visited the website and saw all kinds of portraits, based of the emotions of the artist at the time of the painting. Custom Pet Portraits by Nikky is a great place to get that special animal painted and show people how you feel about your little darling. Each portrait is fashioned after a talk with the owners about their little animal friends. If Nikky knows what is unique about the animal, then the artist can get as many images a possible. The more photos for every pet, the better and pet owners know their pets the best.

The artist works from photos you send whether it be via the internet or mail. Turn around time can vary, but generally takes 6 weeks. During the holiday season, please allow for additional time. You can call for a custom quote, or go online and contact Nikky for price's and other information. When you purchase a painting, 5% of the cost will be donated to an animal rescue foundation. Now how neat is that? There are so many homeless animal's out there, needing help and this is just another way of utilizing her service's.