Monday, July 7, 2008

Tell Your Boss Off

Well, it's been a real time for moving on, for many people. There's just some things that can't be avoided. Working with a bunch of backstabbing people, who run to the boss every time you sneeze the wrong way, is for the birds. You just have to get out or tell some one off......!

This video shows someone getting tired of the crap in the office and finally letting everyone know how he feels. It feels great to Tell Your Boss Off even though you get that uneasy feeling in the pit of your stomach, when you realize, that your about to get the axe.
I had a similar experience recently, when I got fired and it wasn't very nice.........what makes it so bad, is that I was so mad, I forgot about half of my personal stuff, when packing up. I told him what I thought, about him letting me go, after 4 years of steady work, for a company that was stealing money from the poor. His face was red when he told me he would have to let me go, because he knew I had been there on the job, everyday, and hadn't even taken a vacation. I was allowed to sell my vacations, back to the company after 6 months. If I was sick I would still go to work and on days there was snow and ice........I still managed to make it in. He wanted the store to make over $40,000 a month, in loans and there were at least 5 other store in the same locale, doing "fast cash loans". He pulled a man out of the corporate office to come out and take my place. It's still struggling, and you can bet, there's no way I would set foot on that property, and see how it's doing.