Saturday, October 17, 2009

Still Gone

Well, there's nothing new to report, on the home front except the ongoing separation of me and my spouse. He acts as if I'm not around when we run into each other. So, I just let him be and don't bother him. He's got to stand on his own 2 feet now that I'm not driving him everywhere, the way I did when he was here. He is getting much needed exercise riding the bus and walking from bus stop to places he needs to go. Heck I need to exercise, since I picked up about 30 to 40 pounds of blubber, while we were together.
I miss him real bad, but I have to pick up the pieces of what's left of me and go on with my life. It's been kind of hard but what do I expect, going around where I know he'll be. I dread the day, when he shows up with someone else and I have to eat my heart out. I know it will happen, because he doesn't like to be alone and he will eventually find someone to be with. At the present I'm not interested in being with anyone, since I'm so depressed about our situation. I'll make it somehow, but right now I'm just maintaining day to day.