Sunday, August 31, 2008


A friend sent me this email and I loved it and wanted to pass it on to you........
Why Go To Church!
If you're spiritually alive, you're going to love this! If you're spiritually dead, you won't want to read it. If you're spiritually curious, there is still hope!
Why Go To Church?

A Church goer wrote a letter to the editor of a newspaper and complained that it made no sense to go to church every Sunday.(or Saturday) 'I've gone for 30 years now,' he wrote, 'and in that time I have heard something like 3,000 sermons. But for the life of me, I can't remember a single one of them. So, I think I'm wasting my time and the pastors are wasting theirs by giving sermons at all'
This started a real controversy in the 'Letters to the Editor' column, much to the delight of the editor. It went on for weeks until someone wrote this clincher:
'I've been married for 30 years now. In that time my wife has cooked some 32,000 meals. But, for the life of me, I cannot recall the entire menu for a single one of those meals But I do know this.. They all nourished me and gave me the strength I needed to do my work. If my wife had not given me these meals, I would be physically dead today. Likewise, if I had not gone to church for nourishment, I would be spiritually dead today!' When you are DOWN to nothing.... God is UP to something! Faith sees the invisible, believes the incredible and receives the impossible! Thank God for our physical AND our spiritual nourishment!
All right, now that you're done reading, if you're of a mind, send it on! I think everyone should read this! 'When Satan is knocking at your door, simply say, 'Jesus, could you get that for me?'


Saturday, August 30, 2008

Introducing My New Blog

An here it is in all it's blazing glory!

"My Life & Your World"

I've been having so much trouble with my oldest blog and I sure hate to destroy it but, the template of the poor thing is about to give up on dealing with me and my updates. It's all messed up and stupid me, can't figure for the life of me, how to correct what I did wrong, or what I moved to the wrong place. I had to build a new blog to accommodate the posts, that are on it, before it totally gives up the ghost on me. So go to the website at and check it out. Leave me a few comments, if you please and thanks for dropping by. Your approval, will give me more needed traffic, in the future and make me feel like I've done something right, fora a change.

Lingerie Diva

I want something really cute for my wedding night. I went to the local store and found quite a few nice cute items, to suit my fancy. When it came down to the final moment, to put it on, I was so embarrassed that, I couldn’t bring myself to do it.

Since that time, I’ve gotten a bit bolder, as I am now a mature woman. It’s hard to keep him attentive at times, isn’t it. After you’ve been together several years, you need to find something to catch his eye. The sexy lingerie may be an option, for you, if your figure is still in tact. I would have to go with a larger size, since having babies, took it toll on my poor body. I haven’t taken the best care of it, so I would look for the more reserved lingerie. I went to the website, and there are some really cute outfits, to choose from.

You can go online, regiter and shop. Any order over $75. is shipped free. So check out Lingerie Diva at and find that cute outfit, to catch his eye.

A Part of Me

There is a part of me, that would be,

Such a great potential for happiness.

It would pull itself away if allowed,

The times come and go, when it could be proud.

When there is a part that is good,

It removes itself out of fear….

Once it has regrouped, the part attacks

The good to remove it from view.

Why, am I so pushed, torn and pulled?

When will this confusion all end?

The worst I fear is yet to be.

Carrying another part away from me.

All too soon, there will not be,Ashley & Bill 2007.jpg

Much left of this part of me.

How is it we try and fail,

To gather parts that will prevail?

There is a need to always be,

A special part of you and me…………


This is supposed to be the universal sign of marriage? Hee, hee………well, it would be nice, but you and I both know better than this……..
I’m posting this from another place I visited, thought it was cute.

6 Tools For Happiness

Lurking deep in our brains, is fear. Happiness means overcoming that instinct.

Appreciation - It is the antidote to fear; you can’t feel both things at once. So, appreciate the things you have and see around you. They take over the bad things in your life, if you let them.

Choice - Feeling as if you have no choices can lead to anxiety; helplessness, and hopelessness. Taking charge of your choices, and making them positive ones, can change your situations.

Personal Power - Taking responsibility and taking action empowers you on your endeavors. Thereby making you stronger. Strength is what carries us through the toils and labors daily.

Leading with your strengths - This means to ignore your weaknesses, and look toward your strengths. Using them to counter the weak moments, in our thoughts.

Power of Language & Stories - Call yourself the hero of a tragic love story, or be grateful that you had love at all. Boy do we know how that feels. Some people never find it, only to search constantly for something to fulfill themselves.

Multidimensional living - Divide your energies among health, relationships and work. Too much time spent on one thing can cause other things to back up and build tension. Dividing energies among tasks will add new meaning to your daily routines.

My Great Grand Mother

Part 1 (introduction)

I am going to tell you about a woman, who was an integral part of my life. This lady was from the old southern way of life. So, needless to say, she had her “old south” way of thinking.

Grandma, was born back in the late 1800’s and lived to be the ripe old age of 99yrs. three months and nineteen days. She almost made it to a hundred. She managed to make it through the Civil War era and lived quaintly in a sheltered manner. Women, had it rough back then, but somehow made things happen without all our modern appliances.

My Grandmother, raised thirteen kids, and worked in the fields right along beside her husband. She would go to the river, and fish for supper. Bring the fish home, clean them and cook them. During all these times, she had everyone of the babies, at home, while tending to household chores and the need of the older children.

As I try to write about my grandmother, I will write about her in episodes. Each episode, will give character to the lady and her long healthy life.

Introduction-Part 2

Born in 1861, Grandma lived in the modest manner of a “share cropper’s” child and yes even later, wife. The Mobile, Alabama area would be her home for awhile and on to Georgia, then Texas, as they family moved along to have better resources to survive. I guess they followed the other families that migrated to Texas in search of jobs.

Grandma, was a small girl and even later a small built woman. I don’t believe she stood more than, 4′ 11″ during my time with her. If she weighed 100 lbs. I would have been surprised.

As a young girl she, played with her brothers and sisters, while her mom, sat in the house in the loom weaving cloth for clothes. Her father would work for other farmers in their field’s for a days wages, and a portion of the crops available. He worked the fields at home and raised as much food as he was able to each year. Thirteen kids plus a wife, was a large job to maintain. Each year they had to salvage as much food as they could, to make it through the winter and into the next spring. They raised cows, chickens, pigs, goats, & sheep to slaughter for meat, milk, eggs, lard and use other portions of the animals, for hides, wool and you name it. They canned what they could, smoked the meat in a smokehouse, where it hung until used. Put the other food in a cellar or under the house, to save for later. The older children assisted in these chores, while the smaller children pacified themselves, with the home made toys they had. Nothing was ever store bought, unless it was “staples”, and that wasn’t very often.

They would dress up, hitch up the team(mules or horses) to the wagon, put the children in and go 30 or 40 miles to the nearest town, to get the supplies needed for 6 months or more. If they ran out before then, they just did without. Money had to be made in the other man’s fields, to buy things, so it wasn’t too often, they could get it.

More on my grandma soon………

Friday, August 29, 2008

Black Friday

The day after Thanksgiving is the number 1 selling day there is for the Christmas Holidays. Everyone heads to the stores as early as 5am to be in line when the doors open at 6am. If you've been there then you know what I'm talking about. Some people make it a yearly ritual, to shop the day after Thanksgiving. To the stores, this day is considered to be black friday
and just exactly why they call it that I'm not sure. I would suppose it's because of the storm of customers they experience, and the onslaught of bad manners, exhibited by them.
Each year the black friday website, develops advertisements for many different stores, in order to draw precised business. They produce ads for (ie. bestbuy deals, circuit city ad, officemax specials, etc.) these stores according to the sales they will be offering. These are just a few of the name brand stores we are accustomed to shopping at. Black Friday values are adjusted to the stores conveniences and prices.
I tried it one year and almost got run down by a little old white haired lady, with her wheel chair. That was a crime going to happen, and I made sure to get out of her way. I made a vow to myself, to never do that again. I know that I'm only one of a few, who decided to stay home in my cozy bed, while others are getting trampled.
I've watched several different newscasts showing the objects customers, managed to get to first and they told of the savings they had made, by not waiting to shop later. Shopping later has it's downfall, but at least you don't get beat up or talked bad to.
Black Friday shoppers, will be able to go to the website and see all the different ads listed. Then they can decide which store to shop for what item.

Ali Ali Ali

Boxer Mohammed Ali is seen at the Democratic National Convention ... The famous boxer was in the crowd at the time that Hillary gave her address. He looks very drained and yet he's trying to hang in there as long as possible.
Boxer Mohammed Ali is seen at the Democratic National Convention in Denver, Wednesday, Aug. 27, 2008. His presence has been made even though he is at risk with his health. I suppose, he wants to enjoy as much of life as he can, while he still can. "Hats off to you" God bless you and take care of you.......

CPM Prophix

CPM ( corporate performance management ) enables an organization to understand, act upon and influence business performance through software, processes and measures of business success, metrics and key performance. The main goal is to create quality financial software for companies in industries providing powerful planning and reporting solutions for medium sized companies and their departments. Consumer's vary in a wide range of businesses including high-tech, health care, consumer packaged goods, manufacturing, government, financial as well as non-profit organizations. Look at all the support they offer to your business, you'll be glad you did.

AND.........It's A Woman

Alaska Governor Sarah Palin speaks to the crowd after being ...
What made him choose her? I'm sure it's because she's a woman and it give's him a chance to pull some of the Hillary backing, over to his side.
Alaska Governor Sarah Palin introduced as the Republican vice presidential candidate by Republican presidential candidate Senator John McCain in Dayton, Ohio, how clever of him.......
Republican presidential candidate Senator John McCain looks ... He's getting smarter everyday, with his movements to throw a wrench in the Obama/Biden campaign. None one knows very much about her, actually she's been virtually an unknown, until now.
Republican presidential candidate Senator John McCain looks on as his vice presidential running mate Alaska Governor Sarah Palin speaks at a campaign event in Dayton, Ohio. Time will tell, how clever he is.......

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Gustav Headed for Louisiana

This NOAA satellite image shows Tropical Strom Gustav. Tropical ...
With Tropical Storm Gustav swirling near Cuba and likely to enter the Gulf of Mexico as a hurricane this weekend, Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal said an evacuation could begin as early as Friday -- three years to the day after Katrina inundated New Orleans. On Wednesday, Gustav drifted away from Haiti and the Dominican Republic after killing 16 people. They forecast that the storm could a dangerous hurricane as it passes through the Gulf of Mexico. The state's catastrophic action team and could declare a state of emergency as early as Thursday. Residents could start leaving the state as early as this weekend.

Playstation 3

I know that there are gamers' who want more for their money. The playstation 3 has been listed at at a low price of $479.00. I'm sure that's cheap to some, but to me it's not cheap and I wouldn't be able to afford it. You can find many accessories and games on this website and they are comparable in price. I'm sure that if you shop around you'll be able to find the right price for the right deal. They are always, offering discount coupons or codes to make the best of your buy.

Unique Baby Gifts

I always been the type of person to make personal baby gifts. I usually crotchet a blanket or booties, to give especially when I know if it's a boy or girl. These days there are so many websites and local stores, you can go and buy a gift set or one that's personalized. Polka Dot Patch is a website, with great baby gifts fit for the occasion. Check them out and come away satisfied that you have the perfect gift for that newborn.

Something's up.........

My man has stayed in the bed laying around for the last two days and he's still doing it today. I think he's had a virus, but at the same time, he's not trying to do any work and that bothers me. He's usually up and at em' at daybreak, ready to take on the day. I think he's pouting again, and just doing it in a different manner. It's frustrating to say the least, and I wish he'd stop it. I'm not going to push him, or say anything to him, because when he gets tired of it not working he'll find something else to do. He's not going to do it much longer, after a day or two of pouting, he rises again to go to a new idea. I just ignore him and let the sleeping dog......lie!

This website has weekly sales, that can benefit everyone who likes to buy online. The 62329 page has a sale on books, that you can carry in your pocket. These pocketbooks are different prices, because of their popularity on the book shelves in the stores. Today, you can get them online, for an economical price., has many other items, to shop for and reasonable prices and specials.

TV Stands

I can remember when TV stands were a table you had that you knew was sturdy enough to hold that heavy thing. Things have progressed down through the years and the TV's aren't as heavy and the tables went to entertainment centers. Now things have taken another step into the future and the tv stand and entertainment center has changed. These days people are making more space in their family rooms by placing TV's on the walls or more economical TV stands. Check this website to find the TV stand you are looking for.

Acne Treatments

I have a son, who is plagued with this horrible disfiguring skin problem. He has it really bad and before he started going through puberty, he had great skin. These people suffer with acne and many times can’t afford the treatments necessary to control it. You can someone to assist you in getting treatment for acne. You know if you need acne treatments and you’ve suffered long enough, with this mess. Why not check this website and get more information, from qualified Dermatologists, who have helped many, just like you.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Jewel Elegance

I noticed this cat pendant on category 112, which I thought was a very nice gold pendant. It's in 14K yellow gold and the List Price is $153.oo, the Sale Price is $112.oo. If you like gold bangles then the best place to look is this website. They have so many nice articles to buy and I'm sure you can find something special for your jewelry collection.


Nita As A Child

I believe this was my second or third grade picture, I was so proud of my new ring, that I wanted it in the picture

I think I was about a year and a half or two's one of my first portraits.

Journey Lite Lapband

Considering a life changing procedure, is a very scary situation. The lapband houston
seminar, will give you information to ease you through the decisions and arrangements.
On August 26, 2008 Dr. Richard Collier, will be giving a seminar, on the Lap Band treatment, at 6pm CDT, in Conroe, TX, located just a few miles outside of Houston, TX. The Conroe Medical Arts Building, located at 1501 River Pointe Drive, suite 150, in Conroe TX will be the site of the seminar on weight loss woodlands, that evening. You can go online to register and make arrangements, to get to your destination for the information, that will change your life.

A Loss?

The condition of being deprived or bereaved of something or someone is considered loss. So loss can come in many different realms. A natural disaster, a war, a crime against persons, a car wreck, are all forms of loss. It's a subject that can happen in someones' life at any given moment. The many aspects that can be involved, are phenomenal beyond words. The experience's are paramount with the loss involved. Dealing with loss, is normal and can be a time of learning, adapting, and growing.
Someone once said, grief is a normal and healthy response to bereavement, not an illness. Its symptoms are painful, but they serve an adaptive purpose. Grief is emotions and sensations that accompany the loss of someone or something dear to you. Loosing a loved one, is inevitable in one's lifetime, it's going to happen and there's no getting away from it. Grief often weighs you down with sorrow and other emotions, draining you of the energy to go through your daily routines. People who have trouble coping with the setbacks of daily life will have a more difficult time recovering from a serious personal loss.
A sudden loss can be even more difficult to deal with, as in the death of a child, a fatal heart attack, an accident, a murder. Grief is a normal reaction to loss, with its symptoms diminishing over time. On the other hand, trauma is a disabling reaction that can block the grieving process, disrupt your life, and leave you psychologically vulnerable. Grief shouldn’t be dismissed as less important than that of an immediate relative, a person needs the support of people who care about them.
There are many support groups for people who are grieving, including specialized groups. Wherever the support comes from, accept it, don't grieve alone. Trying to suppress your feelings in the hope that they’ll fade with time won’t work. Allowing your emotions to surface in order to work through them is the healthy way to handle it. You need to talk about the person or property you lost, talking out your grief is part of your healing process.
When grief continues to be a disruptive and debilitating presence, you may be suffering from depression. That's when you should seek a professional for assistance, in your time of need.

Monday, August 25, 2008

Big Pits On Your Face?

Ever looked at person, and notice the horrible pits in their face? Well, that’s not the only place they have these scars. Most of the time they have deep scars on their neck, back and shoulders, from this tragedy. These pimples are so swollen and sensitive, that an accidental touch, can cause piercing pain. These people suffer with acne and many times can’t afford the treatments necessary to control it. You know if you need an acne treatment and you’ve suffered long enough. Why not check this website and get more information, from qualified Dermatologists, who have helped many, just like you. can give you expert advise and point you in the right direction for the best cure.

Olympic Closing Highlights........

The bird nest lights up with an outstanding display of the beginning of the ceremony to close the 2008 Olympics.

Some of the performers in motion, during this beautiful artistry.

The dazzling display of Chinese performers for the final ceremony, closing the Olympics'. Notice the 2 large drums hanging overhead. There are people on each side playing them and they slowly move above the crowds.

Everyone caught up in the moment.........

Each one proud of their countries' accomplishments..............

You name it........they lived it.......smiles everywhere......

Proud Americans...........

USA........athlete's....and winners.......

The Olympic flag flying during the last few minutes of the ceremonies.

The President of the IOC giving the closing address.

The honor guard folding the flag that was flying during the Olympics.

Here is the passing of the Olympic flag from China to London, for the upcoming Olympics there.

As ceremonies go, it took several minutes for this bus to come in and therefore built up the hype, with the audience.

The bus arriving with the 2012 London, after the flag was passed.

Some of the athlete's watching the ceremony.

One last look at the flaming torch before it was extinguished.

This was the middle of the memory tower, with the people moving around in various actions, to make special effects. Thank god they had "life belts" and harness's on......

Sunday, August 24, 2008

My Daughter

My youngest daughter hasn't checked in recently. I guess she doesn't need me or my services. (money) She only checks in when she's in need or wants something from me. It's the way with children nowadays, if you don't hear from or see them, then you shouldn't worry, they are doing fine in their minds. At that particular time they don't need you. I guess that's less to bother myself about and it keep me from doling out money. There's 5 kids so that can get expensive to me, if they all need at the same time. One good thing is that at least three of them don't bother me for money, that often so I have a chance to re-group and build funds. This one is just around the corner from me, unless her and her boyfriend have broken up. These things I find out later, when I try to contact her or she's in another tight.

Sunday Scripture

The sleep of a labouring man is sweet, whether he eat little or much: but the abundance of the rich will not suffer him to sleep.
Ecclesiastes 6:12


Friday, August 22, 2008

I Made This Baby Blanket

This baby blanket was made for an extended family member, when I found out that she was having a girl. The design is my own and as you can see I took pictures of it in different stages. The first picture is before I put the fringe on it. The next is where I've started putting on the fringe. I also like to knit and am working on a afghan, for winter.

My Recipes

I have visited several food websites during the past year and have really enjoyed the recipes that I've encountered. Many are from other countries and then you have the Tex-Mex and the American blends. I'm really into finding new ways of cooking and am getting tired of the same of recipes. My Recipes, is a real nice place to visit and is endorsed by several cooking clubs and magazines. They have regular cooking recipes and lite recipes for the person watching their diet. This website is almost like visiting on of the other well known websites that's been around for many years. You will find this a great place to get your chops to drooling, just looking at the pictures.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

A Scripture

Wherefore laying aside all malice, and all guile, and hypocrisies, and envies, and all evil speakings,
As newborn babes, desire the sincere milk of the word, that ye may grow thereby:
I Peter 2:1-2



Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Your Perfect Wedding Dress

What Your Ideal Wedding Dress Says About You

Your Personal Style:

Modern and simple. You like clothes to accentuate who you are, not overwhelm you.

Your Ideal Wedding:

A small ceremony at an old church with a beautiful flower garden

Your Philosophy on Marriage:

You can have a deep commitment without marriage. It's only a piece of paper.

Your Perfect Marriage:

Simply loving each other a little more every day

Nasty People

I know your wondering what I'm talking about? Well, the word "nasty" can be construed, in many different ways. There are mean and nasty people who hurt other's feelings, with no remorse.
There are nasty people who are just "filthy" and don't keep themselves clean or their habitats either. I wonder how they can justify their actions? I know that I'm lazy, and have to really push myself to do the necessary house work, to keep things going right. I still get it done..........maybe not when people think I should........but it gets done.
I'm sure that living on the streets, gives a person the way of life that necessitates being nasty. I think that it's hard to survive on the streets and yes it can be hard to stay clean. I have gotten too close to some of the street people and the body odor, was nauseating. Needless to say, I got myself further away from the area and let a fresh breeze clear the air. I know that once they are in that shape for awhile, they become accustomed to their smell and don't realize how they smell to other's.
There's other ways people are nasty and I'm at the point I'm not ready to write about any more.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Kohler Faucets

To have a great looking house you have to have the things that give it the fine look it needs to catch visitors attention. I’m sure you’ve noticed that many of your friends, visit the bathrooms at least once during their time at your home.

One of the best brand of faucets today is Kohler faucets with the many designs they feature. Talking about style and designs, they feature some of the most unique faucets, on today’s markets. Shop this website, for the next home remodeling you have in mind.


I’ve been looking at these weight loss, websites, and it’s been a chore, to see if this one is better, or that one is better. One proclaims, less wrinkles & acne, plus loss of weight. Another, provides you with a different set of ingredients. So, this place, has the cheap Phentermine to offer you. I’m hoping that this is true, since I really would like to loose a few pounds. Today, there’s this, and tomorrow, there will be another. I still hope this is the one, to shop on, because they all offer great loss.


You can join the survey's with dNeero and have fun. There are all different questions, from people across the world and some have limited English language, but you are able to understand them if you try. Each person gives their own answers, according to how they feel about a certain conversation, so it becomes very interesting at times.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Maternity Clothing

A mother to be can certainly enjoy tis advertisement. These cute and trendy clothes at discount prices are unique maternity clothing, that's trendy and stylish with prices starting as low as $9.99. Now that's a great deal because there are so many other expenses that are involved with having a new baby. This website rotates inventory often so there are always new styles to choose from in their maternity clothes styles. They also offer Free shipping over $75 (coupon code: freeship), to help with your order. Look around the website and pick your favorites according to your taste in style. Look great in your new "mother to be" clothes.

Ellen & Portia Wed at Home

Ellen Degeneres and Portia de Rossi
They have finally tied the knot and it's better this way, since this is what they've wanted for sometime now. They seem to have gotten it arranged fairly well, in the short length of time they had after the court ruling on same sex marriages. I'm sure that many other couples, made the same move before some other source, damaged the newly found freedom. Portia and Ellen, make it look so easy, when in fact it's been anything but easy. Today's world is changing and new ideas are being made.
"The whole afternoon seemed light-hearted." Wedding plans have been in the works for months. DeGeneres said she hoped she and de Rossi would be "together the rest of our lives." How do I feel about it? I obviously feel like it's long overdue". I think someday people will look back on this like women not having the right to vote and segregation and anything else that seems ridiculous that we don't all have the same rights," DeGeneres said.
De Rossi, 35, wore a backless, light pink dress, and her hair in a loose updo. DeGeneres, 50, dressed in pants, button-up shirt and vest — all in white.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

The Ultimate Flirting Championship

I have been known to do plenty of flirting in my life, and this photo is no exception. It was one of my favorite things to do. I enjoyed catching the men's eyes and making it known that I thought they were hot. Since I had sexy legs, I could draw attention to them, with the clothes I wore. I made sure to catch the men's eyes, by crossing and uncrossing my legs often, with the "did you see that" look.
You need to grab this widget and join the "Flirting Championship" sponsored by Extreme Style VO5.

For more widgets please visit

Join the Ultimate Flirting Championship today, an have the time of your life making that good looking individual look your way. It's great fun and you can enjoy meeting other people, and flirting to your heart's content.
I went to the Extreme Style by VO5 website and made my avatar and it was fun to see all the extras they had for me to add. You can have the ultimate in Victory Hair when you use Alberto VO5 to style your hair. It's the ultimate in hair styling products. You know that you can't look your best if your hair doesn't look it's best. Flirting with the opposite sex, can be difficult if you aren't looking great. Today's models keep you working toward that top ideal look, and you just have to try it for yourselves.

Sponsored by Extreme Style by VO5

Best Friends?

Think about
this for a minute...
If I happened to show up on your door step crying,

Would you Care?

If I called you and asked you to pick me up because
something Happened,

Would you come?

If I had one day left, to live my life;
Would you be part of that last day ?

If I needed a shoulder to cry

Would you give me Yours?

This is a test to see who your real friends are or if you are just someone to talk to you when they are bored .
I just Did.. ....because

you are my friend
Do you know what the relationship is
between your two eyes?
They blink together, they move together, they cry together, They see things together and they sleep together,

.. that's what friendship is.
aspiration is your motivation, your motivation is your belief, your belief is your peace, your peace is your target, your target is heaven, and life is like hell without it.


best friends week".

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Las Vegas Travel

Going to the Vegas Strip is a real mess, can be so hectic if you don't have everything planned ahead of time.. You wouldn’t believe how hard it is to get a place to stay. The price’s are outrageous, so getting a brochure on Las Vegas travel would be something to check into, for your vacation.
The dreadful, prices for food and games really, are rough on the budget. I realize it is the atmosphere, to drink and have a party, especially taking in the shows, with all the top talent and show girls.
Las Vegas, is a nice place to visit and see all the sites. Some of casinos are really enjoyable and you can have it all in one place. You can get great tours and vacation packages. This website offers reasonable price packages. You can dine and watch the shows with the best listen to the top stars, gamble and visit many more studios..

Flight Deals

Do you travel a lot or just go on a vacation once a year? There’s so many ways, travel can be handled. You can go by air, ship, car, just to mention a few. As for places to go, the sky’s the limit. There are many travel agencies, just waiting to book you on your next destination. These days you can go online and find so many agencies, with great amenities.

The package deals, can get you there and back with great service and prices., is sure to be the one you would want to choose. The flight deals they offer are just what the doctor ordered. Rest & relaxation, is eminent when you go on one of their vacations.

To book your next vacation go online and shop for your best deal. They have daily deals too, so how can you loose? Come back with a story to tell about your great vacation with ShermansTravel.

Callaway Irons

At the World of Golf you'll find the latest golf shoes from Callaway, Lady Fairway, Footjoy. These styles are for men, women and juniors.
They also have a large array of golf clubs from Callaway, Ping, Mizuno, Cobra just to mention a few. Created by Callaway Golf, the new FT i-brid Irons set features three hybrid-like clubs designed to replace hard-to-hit long irons and game-improvement short irons, providing the ultimate in forgiveness and playability in the Callaway irons.
I noticed the price on this iron and realized this sport was much higher than I thought it to be.
SKU # 483345
Price: $1,499.00

Thursday, August 14, 2008


I have tried these conversations, and they are very interesting. You get to tell how you feel about certain subjects and that's fun. Politics, are the major issue these days, and I really enjoy leaving them thinking about some of my answers. Ask a question and be ready for just about any type of comments. They keep it clean and you don't have to worry that there will be any suggestive answers allowed.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Need A Short Break?

Looking for a different but wonderful vacation site, to explore? Why not try the beautiful English countryside, with it's quaint thatched villages, sandy beaches, and record levels of sunshine. Located on the south coast of England the Isle of Wight is a beautiful site to behold. Try the Short Breaks Isle of Wight located in Ventnor, it is ideal for walking holidays, close to Ventnor Park and the beautiful Botanical Gardens. The St. Maur hotel offers, short stays, such as a couple of nights, bed & breakfast or main stays, if your staying a full week. The relaxing atmosphere, will give you the break you need from your stressful work schedules.
St. Maur , has a background dating back to the 1800's and has been refurbished, down through the years to up-date and keep it in tip top shape. An ideal holiday resort, it caters to young and old alike.
Go online to and shop for your next get-away. Have a great time, just getting away, for a few days.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Make Money With PPP

Hey I've finally been paid over $900.00 from PPP, how great is that? You can do it to if you apply, submit your blog for approval and write posts for their advertiser's. They pay you according to the amount the advertiser's give for each posts, the type of post, the amount of words and if they need banners or logos place in the post. I've had the opportunity to visit many different websites, while writing for PPP and it's really been a rewarding experience. I need to get my PR up but that is something I have to really work on. I will get better paying jobs, when I get the PR up. I hope it will be soon, because I really would like to make the great cash that the others are making.

Earn Money With Snapbomb

Working for websites that offer you great jobs, but not that many? I've been with this website that has many different jobs, and offer you cash according to your Blogs rank and prestige to the advertiser's. You can apply and set the code for Snapbomb, and they will let you know when your blog has been approved for work on their website.
The jobs, are very easy, if you are familiar with writing ads for companies in various fields.
Payments are made on the 15th of every month and you can enjoy a nice income,once you get started and accumulate your payouts. Snapbomb, gives you work according to the page rank and traffic your blogs bring in daily. Starting to work with Snapbomb, will give you an added income, but you won't get rich. You'll be supported by a website, that has your best interest and their advertisers, at heart. Go online today at , fill out the application and be on your way to a future with Snapbomb.

Monday, August 11, 2008

Best Diet Pills

There are plenty of diet pills out there. This website has several listed and they also tell you about the effects of “Alli”, and offer you other Best Diet Pills instead to take the place of that well advertised product.

Leptitrex, is a diet pill / fat burner that has the ability to provide you with the best chance to lose the most amount of weight. It’s ingredients have been shown to help you lose fat - not water weight. The ingredients were clinically designed to work in synthesis with each other. Leptitrex also contains 6 of the best liver detoxifying ingredients available. This can help you gain better health along with fat weight loss. It's proven and effective ingredients increase caloric expenditure for maximum weight loss, minimize carbohydrate conversion to body fat, maximize stamina, endurance and work capacity, ramp up metabolism by activating key fat burning enzymes and it may help prevent "diet induced" metabolic decline. The formula is reported to cause customers to loose between 3 and 9 pounds in a week .
There's also a diet pill that targets womens specific weight, breast, and sexual needs. Zalestrim contains a proprietary blend of vitamins, herbs, and nutraceauticals designed to suppress appetite, boost female thermogenesis, support thyroid output, balance female hormones, naturally increase breast size, and support libido. I certainly could use this diet pill, know as the "happy pill". It has tremendous appetite suppression effects, increased metabolic rate, and gives an overwhelmingly positive sense of well being. Women loose weight in their calves, hips, thighs, lower turmmy, butt, and arms like never before.
Got to the website to get reviews on their diet pills. They give a comprehensive and detailed review on many weight loss products. Look around and make your choices, about the best weight loss product for you. Due to the extreme discount of nearly $100 per bottle we do not have a money back guarantee. All sales are final in an attempt to keep prices low.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Birth Announcement

Notice how old this birth announcement is. As you can tell it has stains on it, from years of being moved around by my baby book readers. At one time there was a lock of my hair in my baby book too, which was tied with a ribbon.

This is my birth announcement, which was sent out when I was born by my mother. It's 63 years old.......imagine that!