Saturday, November 29, 2008

Did You Get Fatter........

Thanksgiving and the other holidays' play havoc on our diets and I for one am having the problem. I love to eat guessed it.........I love to cook. Everyone comes to my house for Thanksgiving.........that is.......everyone that knows I cook. I've tried to discourage some outsiders' but alas, they still manage to make it to the door.
Since I'm the cook of the main items, I know how the food is going to taste.............therefore, I will make a plate which is "man size"and attempt to eat it. My family says that if there's too much on a plate and I can't eat it all..........then that was a big plate! What a horrible thing for them to say about me...... :(
As time would take it's toll on my body, so did the food. Now the once lithe body is just a short dumpy one. Still I do love to eat and figure, that I only live once and need to be able to enjoy myself as much as possible.........That's my story........and I'm sticking to it!